Mandela funeral
Sign language interpreter waved his arms only
At the funeral for the South African national hero Nelson Mandela is an impostor has crept in as a translator for the deaf . The man gestured with his arms just pointless .
Interpreters for the deaf was an impostor
The sign signs were largely fictitious
Deaf people are outraged world . At the funeral for the South African national hero Nelson Mandela obviously an impostor had crept in as an interpreter in sign language.
Nelson Mandela : incompetents sign language interpreter at funeral
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Nelson Mandela
Million people watched the funeral of the late South African ex-presidents in Johannesburg - live and in front of television screens. But the deaf in the audience have not noticed a significant part: the translation of the speeches in sign language.
And the reason outraged people around the world , because during the ceremony, an impostor had apparently crept in as a sign language interpreter . The man speeches - including U.S. President Barack Obama - should translate knew , apparently not at all, what he did.
No one knows who he is
"There was no sign. Nothingness. He has literally wagging the poor ," said the director of the organization for sign language SLED , Cara Loening . The man had only the same four or five repeated gestures , but actually only gesticulates wildly.
Not only Obama gave a speech , but also numerous other heads of state. The festivities government representatives came together from all over the world, including President Joachim Gauck .
At the funeral for the South African national hero Nelson Mandela an impostor has apparently crept in as a translator into sign language.
Nelson Mandela
Incompetents sign language interpreter at funeral
South Africa's former president Thabo Mbeki ( 2nd from right) at Mandela's coffin
Thousands turn out Mandela last respects
" The deaf community in South Africa is completely outraged and no one knows who he is," Loening said. Nowhere to find a name and the organization that have accredited the translators do not know him . Loening said they receive e-mails from around the world , in which people were wondering , " what the hell did this man there."
Mockery of the language
The sign language teacher Naomi Janse van Vuuren confirmed the suspicion : "He has certainly not translated what the speaker said. "
And the chief of the South African Deaf Association, Bruno Printing & Sharing , even spoke of a " mockery of the language." The unfamiliar interpreter did not you used the known gestures for Mandela or President Jacob Zuma. In addition, he had warped straight face. Body language is essential for the understanding of sign language.
The government announced an opinion . They should have hired the man.
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