
The meaning of Apartheid.

Nelson Mandela Biography - CV - the freedom struggle - History South Africa

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Basically, the apartheid policy of the country began in the times of the British, even though they exterminated slavery. Color were discriminated against by the early history of South Africa and treated like serfs. The story continued and the situation improved. Color were allowed to study and got more rights, but were withdrawn without explanation again depending on the political situation. The Ungerechitgkeiten against the black population grew larger and blacks and whites lived on separate paths. Them their language was no longer allowed to areas where the black population lived for decades, have been razed and relocated all the residents in the townships. They were not allowed to use the same paths as whites, the right to travel was banned and ....

Only when Nelson Mandela on 11 February 1990 raised fist left the prison, the situation of blacks changed dramatically. He was jailed for 27 years all the colored South Africans in dire circumstances many years of his life on Robben Iceland under number 46664 and fought for human rights in South Africa on its peaceful Art

The policy of apartheid began in 1948, where white nationalists seized power and segregation officially made into law. The world protested and South Africa for many years isolated from world trade. A turning point came when the unrest in the country were so great that the then president Frederick William De Klerk Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners released to freedom. The world ended the sanctions and the two personalities of the Nobel Peace Prize was presented.

Nelson Mandela Characteristics

The peaceful transition from apartheid to democracy, however, is due to only one man - Nelson Mandela! From 1994 to 1999 he ruled the country as the first black president and won the hearts of all South Africans! On every birthday gets'' Madiba'' thousands of SMS calls. Critics and supporters of his person have one thing in common:,, ALL YOU LOVE HIM. " Read more about his life in the form of a fact sheet:

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